
Argyf Yndeks


Ik haw op meta frege at ik behearder makke wurde koe, dat ik wat berjochten oersette kin nei it Frysk ta en wat rommel fuortsmite kin. Is der immen dy't it dêr mei iens is? Of ien dy't it oars hawwe wol? (At der hjir wier wat skreaun wurdt moat der al in twadde behearder by.) Aliter 21.30, jun 4, 2006 (UTC)

Ja, fansels, ik bin it dermei iens. Immen moat dat dochs ris dwaan, en jo fertrou ik wol ;-). Mar ik sjoch net yn wêrom't der in twadde behaerder by moatte soe? Steinbach 09.19, jun 5, 2006 (UTC)

In lege romte kin mei ien behearder, mar foar in mienskip is it, tink, net goed at altiten deselde persoan frege wurde moat. Aliter 21.35, jun 5, 2006 (UTC)

behearder-bit geset :-) Oscar 23.01, jun 8, 2006 (UTC)

Ik bin mar oant 8 augustus behearder makke, dat ik freegje in ferlinging oan. Is der immen dy't it dêr mei iens is? Of ien dy't it oars hawwe wol? Aliter 23.31, 31 jul 2006 (UTC)


De nammeromte WikiWurdboek dy't hjir brûkt wurdt is noch net oanpast yn de wiki. At der dan dochs ienkear wat feroare wurde moat, dan stel ik dizze nammen út:

-2 Media
-1 Wiki
 0 (Wurdboek)
 1 Oerlis
 2 Meidogger
 3 Meidogger-oerlis
 4 WikiWurdboek
 5 WikiWurdboek-oerlis
 6 Ofbyld
 7 Ofbyld-oerlis
 8 MediaWiki
 9 MediaWiki-oerlis
10 Berjocht
11 Berjocht-oerlis
12 Help
13 Help-oerlis
14 Rubryk
15 Rubryk-oerlis
  • Dat -oerlis soe der eins oeral oanfêst moatte, mar dit jout it idee fan dy dûbelde nammeromten better oan.
  • Rubryk yn stee fan Kategory, om't dy sa brûkt wurde sille. It wurd komt net yn ien kategory, mar ien ferskate rubriken.

Wy kinne dit lykwols net sels oanpasje; dat moat ek wer troch in oar dien wurde. Aliter 21.30, jun 4, 2006 (UTC)

  • By it feroarjen fan de nammeromten hoege de siden net werneamd te wurden, útsein dat de ynstellings no oanjaan dat Help: it Ingelske ekwivalint is foar it Nederlânske Hulp:, mei it gefolch dat al ús Help-siden op it ferkearde plak telâne komme en dêrtroch nei de feroaring al omneamd wurde moatte. Aliter 01.23, jun 12, 2006 (UTC)


Lykas by de Fryske Wikipedy stiet ek hjir de tiid ferkeard. Der stiet no "21.30, jun 4, 2006 (UTC)", mar it soe earder "4 jun 2006, 21.30" wêze moatte. Is der immen dy't wit hoe't er dit oanpasje litte kin? Aliter 21.30, jun 4, 2006 (UTC) 22.44, jun 4, 2006 (UTC)


De earste meidogger fan dit projekt binne útgongen fan de namme WikiWurdboek, mei twa grutte letters, lykas it Nederlânske WikiWoordenboek, wat faaks wer itselde wie as MediaWiki. Mar it docht bliken dat oare Wiktionary-projekten dy't yn de namme it wurd foar "wurdboek" brûke, keazen hawwe foar in kombenaasje mei mar ien grutte letter, en ek Wikiboarne en Wikiboeken binne mei ien grutte letter. Dat ik woe útstelle en feroarje de namme ta Wikiwurdboek, mei ien grutte letter. Utsein de stavering fan "wiky" liket my dat dan geef Frysk ta. Aliter 03.04, 6 sep 2006 (UTC)

Fan Meidogger oerlis:Kening Aldgilles Neffens my is de kar foar Wikiwurdboek tige logysk. Meitsje de feroaringen mar, ik wit net hoe soks moat.

Groetnis K.Aldgilles 19-09-06 08:50

Ik kin it net op alle plakken sels, mar ik feroarje it hjir en pas it oan.

Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki

Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here to use your language in the interface, but if you would log in to for example the English language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. Infact, of the 1797 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 467 messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages of about 80 extensions, with almost 1000 messages.

If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator priviledges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on meta and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.

You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki 25 sep 2007, 08.49 (UTC)


Er binne hjir gjin behearders. Is der immen dy't wol helpe?

Apparently no one has been appointed for a year? I suspect that's because it's a lot of work, and not too much reward. So, if someone fluent in Frysk is willing to help but doesn't have much time, I am willing to serve as a second sysop, if you feel you need/want that. I have both the time and the skill to take care of the grunt work that's backing up. (That is, broken links in the navigation panes, pages marked for deletion, name changes/moves in protected spaces, requested translation of help text--where it's already been translated elsewhere like on wikipedy-- enhancements to the edit pane, etc., as well as whatever requests may be/have been made by the powers that be from meta or wherever. Edit 24/4: plus I just noticed, for sure, that our global skins/css are a tad screwed up.) But due to various considerations including the language barrier I am not willing to serve in this position alone!

Winter (User:Snakesteuben 22 apr 2008, 15.11 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]

I posted a message in the Frysian Wikipedia's village pump referring to this message. Maybe a sysop from over there can help out here. Snakesteuben are you active or preferably a sysop on another Wikimedia project? --Erwin 22 apr 2008, 19.55 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
Hi, Erwin. Thanks so very much for the help. I also dropped plaintive messages in the discussion pages of former admins I could hunt down. And, no I'm not a sysop anywhere, and I'd be quite happy to keep it that way. :-) Winter (User:Snakesteuben 23 apr 2008, 03.50 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]
Added after the fact: Reading this last exchange, I think I was unclear before. I'm not asking for this job. But the backlog of tasks needing attention is starting to drive me potty. For that reason, I'm offering to second chair to encourage anybody out there who might have reservations about taking it on without help. Snakesteuben 24 apr 2008, 12.47 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
I'm willing to get the moderator status. Who could help me out, I don't remember where to apply for that status. Kind regards, Kening Aldgilles 30 apr 08 - 01:13 (CET)
Hey there, Kening. Well, goodness, it's either feast or famine around here! We're still too small for permanent sysop appointments, so one applies for a temporary three-month term here. Their policy says they want us to post announcements for a couple days to ensure there's community consensus. Since I see you're a sysop on wikipedia, I'll happily support your candidacy as soon as we can pass the straight face test on that. :-) Thanks for helping out! Winter (User:Snakesteuben 30 apr 2008, 02.02 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]
Another Sysop is the best thing the wiktionary has ever had in his/ here existence. So I strongly support the candidacy of Kening Aldgiles. I hope hey will be soon a sysop. In the meantime I hope he is going to make allot of new pages. But that will be no problem. Keep up the good work. Greetings from Sonne 30 apr 2008, 09.34 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
OK, Kening Aldgilles, you have the support of both sysops. And it's basically unanimous in the active community, since I think Sonne and I might be the only other users who've created pages in the article namespace within the past month. :-) So anytime you wish to take the time to do so, go apply here and, over there, point them here. You'll likely be approved within 10-20 minutes at this point. Winter (User:Snakesteuben 3 mai 2008, 04.26 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]

Sorry Winter, it appears I never got around to posting this all important message on this wiki:

If you need help with anything, just write so in the Wikiwurdboek:Buorren.

Though I gave up on continuous sysophood, I still drop by in most months, to check whether there's anything on this page. Last month, nothing. This month ...

My opinion on the matter has changed little: I'm still willing to help keep this wiki tidy, but if I have to have to take rides in the merry-go-round every three months, I do tend to lose my taste for contributing actively. I'm still willing to function as a caretaker, though.

Myn ekskuses, Winter, ik bin der skynber nea oanta kaam dizze wichtige sin ta te foegjen oan de wiki:

At jo earne help by nedich hawwe, skriuw dat dan yn de Wikiwurdboek:Buorren.

Ik hat it opjûn om hieltiid wer behearder te wurden, mar ik kom alle moannen foarby, om te sjen at der eat bykaam is op dizze side. Ferline moanne, neat. Dizze moanne ...

Ik tink der noch sa'n bitsje itselde oer: Ik wol hieltiid noch wol helpe dizze wiki op oarder te hâlden, mar at ik alle trije moanne in ritsje yn de mallemole nimme moat, dan bin ik gau myn nocht kwyt om aktyf mei te dwaan. As warder bliuw ik lykwols beskikber. Aliter 9 mai 2008, 17.28 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Bot flag notice

I've been running a bot on my own account for a while. With the volume generated it's gotten so "cluttersome" to qualify as rude to those who want to review recent pages, or even track their own. So I'll be applying for a bot flag on meta, since we have no bureaucrat. Well, meta's policy states that I have to announce my intention a week in advance. Seems rather silly, since this has nothing to do with the approval of the bot or anything--plus, there's nobody here who could block it. :-P Gheheh. The only thing the flag would do is keep--looks like about 3,000 queued up, edits and additions--from being filterable from the logs. To help deal with that issue, I'll mark everything as a minor edit, whether it actually is or not, so it can be filtered that way, unless anybody out there thinks that's a not-so-great idea.

Bot description/userid may be found here.

Thanks again, Winter xx (User:Snakesteuben 24 apr 2008, 13.02 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]

Bisten en planten

Animals and plants

Hello Snakesteuben. I have seen a little problem. All the names of animals and plants are capitalized in Dutch and Frisian. Can youre bot do that. Or must it be done by hand. In moaie dei en in soad sukses. Hoe giet eins it Frysk skriuwe en it Frysk lêze mei dy. Kinst it al wat. Groet Sonne 8 mai 2008, 07.05 (UTC) I am confused. The Dutch wiktionary is not capitalizing animals and insects. But the Dutch, Frisian and Engelish Wikipedia are capitalizing every animal. What is good and what is bad, that’s the question.[beäntwurdzje]

In my opinion both are incorrect. "The cat of my Aunt Wieske" requires no capital, as this is the description of a subject. However, "the Cat is usual domestic" does, as here it's the name of the species.. Yes, but ... . Exactly, that's why the wikipedia's don't treat them consistently. I don't overly mind having liuw, liuwen and Liuw, as in most cases it'll add clarity. Others might, though. Aliter 9 mai 2008, 16.49 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
Aliter: The paradigm makes perfect sense.
I agree with your point about clarity; for common animals, the lower-case entry is more common in everyday usage, because people tend to write more often about a particular animal than a ... meta-animal if you will. :-) Here's an example of the contrast as I understand it. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here!)
No capital in Frysk: "A snake once bit my sister." (A particular snake is intended.) "My partner says I'm attacking wiktionary like somebody killing snakes." (While analogies and whatnot talk about snakes in general, this is a collective noun rather than a description of "the snake".)
Versus, capitals in Frysk where red: "The snake is a member of the order reptile."
And you could convey this next thought either as: "New research suggests that humans' fear of the snake may be in part genetic," or, with no capital, "New research suggests that genetics may in part explain why humans are afraid of snakes." And similarly, I could recast your example as "Today, most cats are domesticated," right? And to get fancier, "Today, most cats are domesticated, as the cat's descriptor, Felix domesticus, indicates. In Australia, stray domestic cats are a big problem for the ecosystem. Such cats, when encountered in the wild, are termed "feral cats.'" (Note that English capitalises the taxonomic description. If I haven't totally missed the boat, then I'll know, pretty much, that if I could freely substitute Linneas' term for the common word in the sentence, then it should be capitalised!)
My proposal: How about if we (the bot) create(s) new, corresponding capitalised entries, offering:
  • that explanation (written by a native speaker please ;-) can be boilerplate), then
  • either:
  1. an appropriate example (also written by a native speaker, though many can be boilerplate with {{PAGENAME}}
  2. or a link to a fuller discussion with several examples (which I could draft and submit for surgery, or, rather, triage ;-)).
  • the entry would then link to the lower-case entry as Sjoch ek.


Take a look at this article in wikipedia w:Keningsearn. The title is capitalised, and the word "Keningsearn" is capitalised throughout, because they're discussing the characteristics of the species. But note this sentence where it talks about other animals collectively:
It iten fan de earn bestiit benammen út marmotten, hazzen en mûzen
(Just to keep the story complete here, a brief recap of something I said in more detail here. We can't take our lead from the headers of wikipedia articles, especially the first word. Like a paper encyclopaedia, wikipedia capitalises the name of every article--like a book capitalises the names of chapters. But if you look in a paper dictionary, the entries aren't capitalised, unless the word is actually capitalised, because that's the whole point of a dictionary--spelling and word usage.)
Winter 10 mai 2008, 04.15 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
On the rest: In short, I like what Aliter said about separate upper-case entries--referring to the species vs. the animal. And I've proposed how I think the upper case entry should look.
Winter 10 mai 2008, 04.46 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Oant hjir oernaam fan Meidogger oerlis:Snakesteuben en Meidogger oerlis:Snakesteuben.

Winter, your examples sometimes fail on the fact that taxons above species are plural, but you did get the intent and you're dead-on with the observation that the taxon name can always be replaced by the Linnean name, whereas the noun can not.
Understand that though this is how the Frisian Wikipedia tends to do it, there's no Frisian rule saying it must be so, though as you note, it actually makes sense based on the existing rules. The drawback, of course, is that using this, we'll get shot at by people from other Wikipedias for not doing it their way (but there's no solution that will please everyone).
If this gets implemented, it might be preferable if the Taxon entry could have the noun entry in the description: ": The -taxonname- of the -linneanname-, of which a specimen is a -noun-." If that doesn't work, it should probably go under Related. Where there is other content, there would be a need to divide it. And then, of course, there's the small problem of how to approach other languages that also don't have such a fixed rule.
Winter, guon fan jo foarbylden strike net, trochdat taksons boppen de soarte yn it meartal steane, mar jo hawwe it idee meikrigen en jo sitte presys goed dêr't jo sizze dat de takson-namme altiten ferfongen wurde kin troch de Linneaanske namme, dêr't dat foar it haadwurd net kin.
Jo moatte al begripe dat hoewol't dit al is hoe't de Fryske Wikipedy it ornaris docht, der gjin Fryske regel is dy't seit dat it sa dien wurde moat, al is it lykas jo sizze al sa dat it strykt mei de besteande regels. In neidiel is fansels dat lju fan oare Wikipedyen der op falle sille dat wy it net op harren manier dogge (mar der is gjin oplossing dy't foar eltsenien past).
At dit dien wurdt, dan koe it in goed ding wêze at de taksonyngong it haadwurd yn de omskriuwing hawwe koe: ": De -taksonnamme- fan de -linneaanskenamme-, wêrfan in eksemplaar in -haadwurd- is." At dat net past, dan soe it nei alle gedachten ûnder Besibbe komme moatte. At der oare ynhâld is, dan soe dy opdield wurde moatte. En fansels, dan is der noch it lytse probleem fan hoe't oare talen oanpakt wurde moatte at dy ek net sa'n fêste regel hawwe. Aliter 13 mai 2008, 22.55 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

OK, folks, what do you think of this: Aves As far as I'm concerned, the Linneas terminology is a borrowed word common to all the languages that use it. So I entered it as a Frysk word, noting it was biology, wittenskiplik and borrowed from Latin. By contrast, in my view the words avis and aves (lower case) are actually Latin words. Do you disagree? Should the biology categorisations be entered as Latin words instead? Or some other way perhaps?

Ik tink dat de Latynske wurden mei haadletter, de Linneas kategoryen, Fryske (biologysk en wittenskiplik) wurden binne. Sjoch: Aves. Sûnder haadletter binne se Latynske wurden. Wat tinke jo? Winter (User:Snakesteuben 20 mai 2008, 17.03 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]


Binne der mear minsken dy't fine dat Meidogger:RobotGMwikt wol wat te folle romte ynnimt op Koartlyn feroare? En is it net wat núver dat er yn hast twa jier tiid noch gjin Frysk leard hat, net foar gearfettings en net foar it alfabet.
Are there more people who feel Meidogger:RobotGMwikt does fill rather too much space on Koartlyn feroare? And isn't it somewhat curious that in nearly two years time it hasn't learned Frisian, neither for the summaries nor for the alphabet. Aliter 15 mai 2008, 17.32 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

OK, I'm on it.
Ik haw in "bot flagge" foar RobotGMwikt fersiken. Dan kin man klik "gjin bots" yn de "Koartlyn feroare" finster om te "net sjen litten." It is net fluch; hjir, dêr't gjin rjochtenbehearder is, moet man in commons steward (oer-rjochtenbehearder foar alle siden) finen.
I'm trying to get a bot flag for the darn thing. At least then, you'll be able to filter it out of the new contributions list by clicking "gjin bots." The stewards are slooooow this time for some reason. It's not easy when you don't have a bureaucrat. Grrr....
Wannear jo fertelle wêr't de oersettings wat jo oanjûn hawwe, ik kenne in minske wa't de feroaren meitsje kin.
Two years? *blink* Can you tell me where you submitted the translations for the summaries? That will keep me from having to ask you guys for them all over again. I've looked at the standard code for all the bots at pywikipedia. Not one of them has an fy line incorporating your translations! That includes the code I'm running, too, by the way. ;-) See? Bydragen fan Sonne - onderaan toegevoegd. You can tell which part I hand-coded and overrode myself. ;-) (But at least they're choosing Dutch for the locale over the English default; I actually give them a fair bit of credit for that.) I've scrambled and found someone (also not particularly easy...) who's willing and able to commit the code right away once I turn the translations into lines of python code and give it to him, so we shouldn't have this problem again. Sjeez!
Asjeblyft, kinne jo de probleem mei de alfabet ferklearjen?
OK. That's two of three. Can you explain to me what you mean by "for the alphabet"--what is getting screwed up there?
Myn fermoeden: Wy hawwe in grutte nûmer fan bot-bydragen omdat wy 1.500 nije siden dizze moanne skriuwen hawwe.
About the volume, I imagine that's temporary. The number of pages on our wiki has doubled in size over the last 6 weeks. ;-) If it's any consolation, every single one of those other sites you see getting added to our pages is getting whacked with an fy addition to its corresponding page. Gheheh! (With a quick eyeball, I didn't see any inefficiency. It looks like it's only whacking each of our pages once, not multiple times.)
Snakesteuben 17 mai 2008, 10.18 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
P.S. English speakers: When my "ferfrysking" is incomprehensible, please do me a favour and type something under it--what you can see I meant to say. Thanks. Snakesteuben 17 mai 2008, 10.18 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

This is the last message I wrote on the subject: Meidogger oerlis:RobotGMwikt. Also the only one, as the bot apparently doesn't check it's messages. It's common to alphabetise 'y' under 'i' in Frisian, and this is how bots handle things on the Wikipedy. (There's a note on the relevant page on Meta.) There's one bot that uses Frysk, but I haven't seen it for a while.
Dit is it lêste berjocht dat ik der oer skreaun haw: [Meidogger_oerlis:RobotGMwikt]]. Ek it iennichste, om't de Bot skynber net nei syn berjochten sjocht. Ornaris wurdt yn it Frysk de 'y' as in 'i' oardere, en op de Wikipedy is dat ek hoe't bots it dogge . (Der stiet in oantekening oer op de side op Meta dy't dêr oer hannelet.) Der is ien bot dy't Frysk brûkt, mar dy haw ik al in skoftke net sjoen. Aliter 17 mai 2008, 21.23 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Ah, OK. No, that's not really the best way. (Though it probably should be.) I'll open a new topic, and we'll put together translations, starting with that one. Then, hopefully, all once and future bots will be updated; no more contacting individual owners. (What a hassle that is, huh?)
And I've just sent another ping to a different place about the alphabetisation now. Snakesteuben 18 mai 2008, 11.09 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
Hi, guys. I'm sorry but I don't speak Frysk. I see you don't like the standard Pywikipedia interwiki bot not writing its messages in Frisian. If you translate the following messages, I'll be glad to do it for you. Just translate:
   (u'robot ', u'Erbij', u'Eraf', u'Anders'),
The messages appear as robot Erbij: aa, ab, ac, ad Eraf: xa, xb, xc, xd Anders: ww, wy, wz as you can probably see in the edit summaries by interwiki bots.
Cheers, Malafaya 19 mai 2008, 21.15 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Quoting Meidogger oerlis:RobotGMwikt: "Derby", ""oars" en "fuort" ...

I assume we'll stick to those. "Robot" is "robot", but that's the hardware. This is a "bot". That would yield:

(u'bot ', u'Derby', u'Fuort', u'Oars'),

But more readable might be:

(u'Bot ', u'- derby', u'- fuort', u'- oars'),

Malafaya freget om in oersetting fan (u'robot ', u'Erbij', u'Eraf', u'Anders') om Pywikipedia interwiki bots Frysk te learen. Letterlik soe ik sizze:

(u'bot ', u'Derby', u'Fuort', u'Oars'),

mar faaks soe

(u'Bot ', u'- derby', u'- fuort', u'- oars'),

lêsberder wêze. Aliter 19 mai 2008, 22.26 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Thanks, Aliter. I'll do it tomorrow morning cause now I don't have my laptop with SVN+SSH. It's expectable that all Pywikipedia-based interwiki bots should be using the translated messages is no longer than 24 hours after I add them. Ah, and yes, it's true that the current way the bots work, unless you're continuously staring at what's being done, it's very difficult to notice a new message has been added to the bot's talk page. Cheers, Malafaya 19 mai 2008, 22.44 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
Done. I have done a test under my username. You can check it in Recent Changes or my contributions. Cheers, Malafaya 20 mai 2008, 09.29 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]

Bot flag has been set. Finally.

On meta, I'm told I need to go to source forge's bug reporting to deal with the alphabetisation issue. But if wikipedia does it right, I wonder if that's really the case? Looking at the recent changes on the wikipedia site, I see two bots that appear to perform this function: AlleborgoBot and TXiKiBoT. Are those correct, Aliter? If you know? If those do it correctly, I can maybe try contacting the owners and seeing how they do it. I was really under the impression that the wp versions and wikt versions ran the same exact code. Colour me confused.

RobotGMwikt ha in bot flagge. Op't lêst.

Ik haw heard dat ik op sourceforge bugtracker oanfragen moat. Mar de wikipedia robotprogramma is gelyk oan de wiktionary, en wikipedia is korrekt. Sa, ik fraach op de robots dy't korrekt binne: AlleborgoBot and TXiKiBoT. Winter (Username:Snakesteuben 20 mai 2008, 11.13 (UTC))[beäntwurdzje]

Again, maybe I can help if you enlighten me on the alphabetisation issue. What exactly is the problem? Does it have to do with the interwikis sorting order? Malafaya 20 mai 2008, 13.05 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
I saw the some code regarding the sort order: for Wikipedia, there is something about 'y' and 'i' being considered the same. But for Wiktionary, that is not the case. Is this what is bothering you guys? Malafaya 20 mai 2008, 13.10 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
OK, I copied the code for Wikipedia into the one for Wiktionary. I gave it a try. Check interwiki order for Portugän. Looks fine to me. I'll commit these changes. If something is not accordingly let me know (at my Volapük Wiktionary talk page for a quicker reply). Cheers, Malafaya 20 mai 2008, 13.24 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
Thanks for your help. From your first test, it appears to work. We're on an interwiki low at the moment, so I haven't seen them in full operation here, but several bots on w:fy: have already switched are are suddenly much more readable. One thing: The older bots on w:fy:, when changing multiple interwiki links, will also correctly order them in the report. Your test suggests that this version won't.
Malafaya hat de coade foar pywikipediabot foar it wikiwurdboek oanpast mei koade fan de ferzje foar de wikipedy, foar Fryske alfabetisearring, en ek de oersetting fan de wurden foar it rapport, en dat allegear so fluch dat it al bart is ear't wy wat skriuwe kinne. Ik haw sein dat it iennichste is dat yn it rapport de oarder net Frysk is. Grif is dat moarn dan ek al wer oplost. Aliter 21 mai 2008, 23.18 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]
The changes I've made to the Wiktionary-related code makes it similar to the Wikipedia one. Interwikis will be resorted but that will only apply if any changes are to be made, just like in Wikipedia. That is, if the bot finds a new interwiki to be added, or an interwiki changes (but for Wiktionary this never happens because the words have to be the same), as the page is updated, the interwikis will be rearranged correctly (y = i). On the other hand, if no interwiki changes are detected (no new interwikis, no changed ones), the bot will skip the update and no resort will take place.
There is however 2 possibilities of forcing resorting even if no change to interwikis is detected:
  • Adding cosmetic_changes = True to the file in the bot files, but you would be depending on the bot operator to add it (which they don't usually because that would force mostly useless edits to other Wikis)
  • Running for all the pages. It may be done by Meidogger:Winterbot or by myself (but in my case, the changes would appear in the Recent Changes :( ). This would force an update of so-called "cosmetic changes", which do not change the page in any visible way. Meidogger:Snakesteuben may contact me if you guys want to do this and if she doesn't know well how to do it, or you guys if you want me to do it.
Cheers to all! Malafaya 21 mai 2008, 23.55 (UTC)[beäntwurdzje]