Leonardo José Raimundo
Recently added pages
bewurkje- fergrutsje?? - I don't speak Frysk, but I do not believe you. The verb means to make greater/bigger.
Jcwf (oerlis) 27 des 2017, 20.07 (UTC)
@Leonardo José Raimundo: Hello Leonardo. Currently I'm the only Frisian here. User Jcwf has made a justified remark. I'm really sorry to tell this, as you obviously seem to have fun in participating in a lot of languages on several wiktionaries, but your skills in the Frisian language are extremely poor. Your contributions so far need a full rewrite to be suitable for a dictionary. Unless someone is willing to do that, I've nominated your newly created pages for deletion within 2 weeks for the following reasons:
- Almost nothing done right (seemingly robot-assisted work):
- severe language and spelling errors.
- unintelligible or wrong descriptions.
- categories for non-existing spelling reforms ('Stavering ...').
- wrong translations in the 'Oersettings' sections.
- solely book titles don't belong in a dictionary (and are not Frisian words).
I've added the last reason because the biggest Frisian dictionary online Wurdboek fan de Fryske Taal doesn't contain them at all. We should realize that this is a lingual project. Some 'words' don't belong in a dictionary but in an encyclopedia instead. --PiefPafPier (oerlis) 1 jan 2018, 21.23 (UTC) --PiefPafPier (oerlis) 4 jan 2018, 10.11 (UTC) --PiefPafPier (oerlis) 4 mrt 2018, 12.11 (UTC)