De neikommende dokumintaasje stiet op Module:km-pron/dokumintaasje. [bewurkje]

Oernommen fan en:Module:km-pron.

NB: In protte funksjes wurde no net brûkt.

-- To do: add stress in words with >2 syllables (primary and secondary)
--- Reference: 'Research report on phonetic and phonological analysis of Khmer'
--- Algorithm is simple, though may be inaccurate when automatically applied to multisyllabic words, as some can be 'romanised' in dictionaries as if they are one word but have stress patterns indicating otherwise
--- e.g. [[ប្រជាប្រិយ]]

local export = {}

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local find = mw.ustring.find
local match = mw.ustring.match
local len = mw.ustring.len
local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text

local j = "្"
local c = "កខគឃងចឆជឈញដឋឌឍណតថទធនបផពភមយរលវឝឞសហឡអ"
local cMod = "៉៊"
local vIndep = "ឣឤឥឦឧឨឩឪឫឬឭឮឯឰឱឲឳ"
local vDiac = "ាិីឹឺុូួើឿៀេែៃោៅំះៈ័"
local vPost = "់"
local apos = "'"

local kmChar = "ក-៹'"
local kmString = "[" .. kmChar .. "]+"
local recessive = "[ŋɲñnmjrlʋv]"

local cCapt, cUncapt = "([" .. c .. "][" .. cMod .. "]?)", "[" .. c .. "][" .. cMod .. "]?"
local cOptCapt = "([" .. c .. "]?[" .. cMod .. "]?)"
local cCaptClus = {
	"([" .. c .. "][" .. cMod .. "]?)",
	"([" .. c .. "][" .. cMod .. "]?" .. j .. cUncapt .. ")",
	"([" .. c .. "][" .. cMod .. "]?" .. j .. cUncapt .. j .. cUncapt .. ")"
local vCapt, vCaptB, vCaptM = "([" .. vDiac .. "])", "([" .. vDiac .. j .. "])", "([" .. vDiac .. "]*)"
local cvCapt = "([" .. c .. cMod .. vDiac .. "])"
local vPostCapt = "([" .. vPost .. "]?)"

local postInit = vCaptM .. cOptCapt .. vPostCapt .. "(" .. apos .. "?)"

local consonants = {
	["ក"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "k", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "k", "k" } },
	["ខ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "kʰ", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "kh", "k" } },
	["គ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "k", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "k", "k" } },
	["ឃ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "kʰ", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "kh", "k" } },
	["ង"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ŋ", "ŋ" }, ["tc"] = { "ng", "ng" } },
	["ច"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "c", "c" }, ["tc"] = { "c", "c" } },
	["ឆ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "cʰ", "c" }, ["tc"] = { "ch", "c" } },
	["ជ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "c", "c" }, ["tc"] = { "c", "c" } },
	["ឈ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "cʰ", "c" }, ["tc"] = { "ch", "c" } },
	["ញ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ɲ", "ɲ" }, ["tc"] = { "ñ", "ñ" } },
	["ញ៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ɲ", "ɲ" }, ["tc"] = { "ñ", "ñ" } },
	["ដ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ɗ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "d", "t" } },
	["ឋ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "tʰ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "th", "t" } },
	["ឌ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ɗ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "d", "t" } },
	["ឍ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "tʰ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "th", "t" } },
	["ណ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "n", "n" }, ["tc"] = { "n", "n" } },
	["ត"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "t", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "t", "t" } },
	["ថ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "tʰ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "th", "t" } },
	["ទ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "t", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "t", "t" } },
	["ធ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "tʰ", "t" }, ["tc"] = { "th", "t" } },
	["ន"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "n", "n" }, ["tc"] = { "n", "n" } },
	["ន៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "n", "n" }, ["tc"] = { "n", "n" } },
	["ប"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ɓ", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "b", "p" } },
	["ប៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "p", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "p", "p" } },
	["ប៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ɓ", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "b", "p" } },
	["ផ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "pʰ", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "ph", "p" } },
	["ព"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "p", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "p", "p" } },
	["ភ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "pʰ", "p" }, ["tc"] = { "ph", "p" } },
	["ម"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "m", "m" }, ["tc"] = { "m", "m" } },
	["ម៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "m", "m" }, ["tc"] = { "m", "m" } },
	["យ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "j", "j" }, ["tc"] = { "y", "y" } },
	["យ៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "j", "j" }, ["tc"] = { "y", "y" } },
	["រ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "r", "" }, ["tc"] = { "r", "" } },
	["រ៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "r", "" }, ["tc"] = { "r", "" } },
	["ល"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "l", "l" }, ["tc"] = { "l", "l" } },
	["ល៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "l", "l" }, ["tc"] = { "l", "l" } },
	["វ"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ʋ", "w" }, ["tc"] = { "v", "w" } },
	["វ៉"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ʋ", "w" }, ["tc"] = { "v", "w" } },
	["ឝ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "s", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "s", "h" } },
	["ឞ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "s", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "s", "h" } },
	["ស"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "s", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "s", "h" } },
	["ស៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "s", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "s", "h" } },
	["ហ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "h", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "h", "h" } },
	["ហ៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "h", "h" }, ["tc"] = { "h", "h" } },
	["ឡ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "l", "l" }, ["tc"] = { "l", "l" } },
	["អ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ʔ", "" }, ["tc"] = { "ʾ", "ʾ" } },
	["អ៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ʔ", "" }, ["tc"] = { "ʾ", "ʾ" } },
	["ហគ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "ɡ", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "g", "k" } },
	["ហគ៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "ɡ", "k" }, ["tc"] = { "g", "k" } },
	["ហន"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "n", "" }, ["tc"] = { "n", "n" } },
	["ហម"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "m", "" }, ["tc"] = { "m", "m" } },
	["ហល"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "l", "" }, ["tc"] = { "l", "l" } },
	["ហវ"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "f", "f" }, ["tc"] = { "f", "f" } },
	["ហវ៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "f", "f" }, ["tc"] = { "f", "f" } },
	["ហស"] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "z", "z" }, ["tc"] = { "z", "z" } },
	["ហស៊"] = { class = 2, ["ipa"] = { "z", "z" }, ["tc"] = { "z", "z" } },
	[""] = { class = 1, ["ipa"] = { "", "" }, ["tc"] = { "", "" } },

local vowels = {
	[""] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɑː", "ɔː" }, ["tc"] = { "ɑɑ", "ɔɔ" } },
	["់"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɑ", "ŭə" }, ["tc"] = { "ɑ", "ŭə" } },
	["់2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɑ", "u" }, ["tc"] = { "ɑ", "u" } }, --before labial finals
	["័"] = { ["ipa"] = { "a", "ŏə" }, ["tc"] = { "a", "ŏə" } },
	["័2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "a", "ĕə" }, ["tc"] = { "a", "ĕə" } }, --before velar finals
	["័យ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aj", "ɨj" }, ["tc"] = { "ay", "ɨy" } },
	["័រ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "", "ɔə" }, ["tc"] = { "", "ɔə" } },
	["ា"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aː", "iə" }, ["tc"] = { "aa", "iə" } },
	["ា់"] = { ["ipa"] = { "a", "ŏə" }, ["tc"] = { "a", "ŏə" } },
	["ា់2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "a", "ĕə" }, ["tc"] = { "a", "ĕə" } }, --before velar finals
	["ិ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "eʔ", "iʔ" }, ["tc"] = { "eʾ", "iʾ" } }, --glottal coda only in stressed syllables
	["ិ2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ə", "ɨ" }, ["tc"] = { "ə", "ɨ" } }, --with non-glottal coda
	["ិយ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əj", "iː" }, ["tc"] = { "əy", "ii" } },
	["ិះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "eh", "ih" }, ["tc"] = { "eh", "ih" } }, --["tc"] inferred
	["ី"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əj", "iː" }, ["tc"] = { "əy", "ii" } },
	["ឹ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ə", "ɨ" }, ["tc"] = { "ə", "ɨ" } },
	["ឹះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əh", "" }, ["tc"] = { "əh", "" } },
	["ឺ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əɨ", "ɨː" }, ["tc"] = { "əɨ", "ɨɨ" } },
	["ុ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "oʔ", "uʔ" }, ["tc"] = { "oʾ", "uʾ" } }, --glottal coda only in stressed syllables
	["ុ2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "o", "u" }, ["tc"] = { "o", "u"  }}, --with non-glottal coda
	["ុះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "oh", "uh" }, ["tc"] = { "oh", "uh" } },
	["ូ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ou", "uː" }, ["tc"] = { "ou", "uu" } },
	["ូវ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əw", "ɨw" }, ["tc"] = { "əw", "ɨw" } },
	["ួ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "uə", "uə" }, ["tc"] = { "uə", "uə" } },
	["ើ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aə", "əː" }, ["tc"] = { "aə", "əə" } },
	["ើះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "əh", "" }, ["tc"] = { "əh", "" } },
	["ឿ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɨə", "ɨə" }, ["tc"] = { "ɨə", "ɨə" } },
	["ៀ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "iə", "iə" }, ["tc"] = { "iə", "iə" } },
	["េ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "eː", "ei" }, ["tc"] = { "ee", "ei" } },
	["េ2"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ə", "ɨ" }, ["tc"] = { "ə", "ɨ" } }, --before palatals
	["េះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "eh", "ih" }, ["tc"] = { "eh", "ih" } },
	["ែ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ae", "ɛː" }, ["tc"] = { "ae", "ɛɛ" } },
	["ែះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "eh", "" }, ["tc"] = { "eh", "" } },
	["ៃ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aj", "ɨj" }, ["tc"] = { "ay", "ɨy" } },
	["ោ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ao", "oː" }, ["tc"] = { "ao", "oo" } },
	["ោះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɑh", "ŭəh" }, ["tc"] = { "ɑh", "ŭəh" } },
	["ៅ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aw", "ɨw" }, ["tc"] = { "aw", "ɨw" } },
	["ុំ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "om", "um" }, ["tc"] = { "om", "um" } },
	["ំ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ɑm", "um" }, ["tc"] = { "ɑm", "um" } },
	["ាំ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "am", "ŏəm" }, ["tc"] = { "am", "ŏəm" } },
	["ាំង"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aŋ", "ĕəŋ" }, ["tc"] = { "ang", "ĕəng" } },
	["ះ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ah", "ĕəh" }, ["tc"] = { "ah", "ĕəh" } },
	["ៈ"] = { ["ipa"] = { "aʔ", "ĕəʔ" }, ["tc"] = { "aʾ", "ĕəʾ" } },
	["'"] = { ["ipa"] = { "ə", "ə" }, ["tc"] = { "ə", "ə" } },

local tl = {
	["ក"] = "k", ["ខ"] = "kʰ", ["គ"] = "g", ["ឃ"] = "gʰ", ["ង"] = "ṅ", 
	["ច"] = "c", ["ឆ"] = "cʰ", ["ជ"] = "j", ["ឈ"] = "jʰ", ["ញ"] = "ñ", 
	["ដ"] = "ṭ", ["ឋ"] = "ṭʰ", ["ឌ"] = "ḍ", ["ឍ"] = "ḍʰ", ["ណ"] = "ṇ", 
	["ត"] = "t", ["ថ"] = "tʰ", ["ទ"] = "d", ["ធ"] = "dʰ", ["ន"] = "n",
	["ប"] = "p", ["ផ"] = "pʰ", ["ព"] = "b", ["ភ"] = "bʰ", ["ម"] = "m",
	["យ"] = "y", ["រ"] = "r", ["ល"] = "l", ["វ"] = "v",
	["ឝ"] = "ś", ["ឞ"] = "ṣ", ["ស"] = "s", 
	["ហ"] = "h", ["ឡ"] = "ḷ", ["អ"] = "ʾ", 

	["ឣ"] = "a", ["ឤ"] = "ā", ["ឥ"] = "i", ["ឦ"] = "ī", 
	["ឧ"] = "u", ["ឨ"] = "🤷", ["ឩ"] = "ū", ["ឪ"] = "ýu", 
	["ឫ"] = "ṛ", ["ឬ"] = "ṝ", ["ឭ"] = "ḷ", ["ឮ"] = "ḹ", 
	["ឯ"] = "ae", ["ឰ"] = "ai", ["ឱ"] = "o", ["ឲ"] = "o", ["ឳ"] = "au",
	["ា"] = "ā", ["ិ"] = "i", ["ី"] = "ī", ["ឹ"] = "ẏ", ["ឺ"] = "ȳ", 
	["ុ"] = "u", ["ូ"] = "ū", ["ួ"] = "ua",
	["ើ"] = "oe", ["ឿ"] = "ẏa", ["ៀ"] = "ia", 
	["េ"] = "e", ["ែ"] = "ae", ["ៃ"] = "ai", ["ោ"] = "o", ["ៅ"] = "au", 
	["ំ"] = "ṃ", ["ះ"] = "ḥ", ["ៈ"] = "`",
	["៉"] = "″", ["៊"] = "′", ["់"] = "´", ["៌"] = "ŕ", ["៍"] = "̊", 
	["៎"] = "⸗", ["៏"] = "ʿ", ["័"] = "˘", ["៑"] = "̑", ["្"] = "̥",
	["៓"] = "🤷", ["។"] = "ǂ", ["៕"] = "ǁ", ["៖"] = "🤷", ["ៗ"] = "«", 
	["៘"] = "🤷", ["៙"] = "§", ["៚"] = "»", ["៛"] = "", 
	["ៜ"] = "🤷", ["៝"] = "🤷",
	["០"] = "0", ["១"] = "1", ["២"] = "2", ["៣"] = "3", ["៤"] = "4", 
	["៥"] = "5", ["៦"] = "6", ["៧"] = "7", ["៨"] = "8", ["៩"] = "9", 
	["៰"] = "🤷", ["៱"] = "🤷", ["៲"] = "🤷", ["៳"] = "🤷", ["៴"] = "🤷",
	["៵"] = "🤷", ["៶"] = "🤷", ["៷"] = "🤷", ["៸"] = "🤷", ["៹"] = "🤷",

local glottify = {
	["a"] = 1, ["aː"] = 1, ["ɑ"] = 1, ["ɑː"] = 1,
	["ĕə"] = 1, ["ŭə"] = 1, ["iə"] = 1, ["ɨə"] = 1, ["uə"] = 1

local err = {
	["័"] = 1, ["័រ"] = 1,

function export.syllabify(text)
	text = gsub(text, "([%'់])([^,%- ])", "%1-%2")
	local seq1 = cvCapt .. cCapt .. vCaptB
	while find(text, seq1) do text = gsub(text, seq1, "%1-%2%3") end
	return text

function export.syl_analysis(syllable)
	for ind = 3, 1, -1 do
		if match(syllable, "^" .. cCaptClus[ind] .. postInit .. "$") then
			return match(syllable, "^" .. cCaptClus[ind] .. postInit .. "$")
	return nil

local function sylRedist(text, block)
	for word in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "[" .. kmChar .. "%-]+") do
		local originalWord = word
		local allSyl, syls, newWord = {}, mw.text.split(word, "%-"), {}
		for sylId = 1, #syls do
			if syls[sylId] == "" then table.insert(allSyl, {})
				local set = export.syl_analysis(syls[sylId])
				if not set or set == "" then return nil end
				table.insert(allSyl, { export.syl_analysis(syls[sylId]) })
				if sylId ~= 1 and allSyl[sylId - 1][3] == "" and find(allSyl[sylId][1], j) and not block then
					allSyl[sylId - 1][3], allSyl[sylId][1] =
						match(allSyl[sylId][1], "^([^" .. j .. "]+)"),
						match(allSyl[sylId][1], "^[^" .. j .. "]+" .. j .. "(.+)")
				if #syls == 2 and sylId == 2 and allSyl[sylId - 1][2] .. allSyl[sylId - 1][4] == "" then
					allSyl[sylId - 1][4] = vPost
		for sylId = 1, #syls do
			table.insert(newWord, table.concat(allSyl[sylId]))
		text = gsub(text, (gsub(originalWord, "%-", "%-")), table.concat(newWord, "%-"), 1)
	return text

local function initClus(c1, mode)
	local fittest, init, cData, i, pos = "", {}, {}, 0, 1
	c1 = gsub(c1, j, "")
	if consonants[c1] then
		local cData = consonants[c1]
		c1, fittest = cData[mode][pos], cData.class
		for ch in mw.ustring.gmatch(c1, cCapt) do
			i = i + 1
			local cData = consonants[ch] or nil
			if not cData then return ch .. " not found" end
			fittest = (not find(cData[mode][pos], recessive) and not find(cData[mode][pos], "ng")
				or (fittest == "" and (i == len(c1) or (i == len(c1) - 1 and find(c1, "[" .. cMod .. "]$"))))) 
				and cData.class or fittest
			table.insert(init, cData[mode][pos])
		c1 = table.concat(init)
	c1 = gsub(c1, "[ɓb](.)", "p%1")
	c1 = gsub(c1, "[ɗd](.)", "t%1")
	if mode == "ipa" then
		c1 = gsub(c1, "p([knŋcɲdtnjls])", "pʰ%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "pʰ([^knŋcɲdtnjls])", "p%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "t([kŋnmjlʋ])", "tʰ%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "tʰ([^kŋnmjlʋ])", "t%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "k([ctnbmlʋs])", "kʰ%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "kʰ([^ctnbmlʋs])", "k%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "c([kŋnmlʋʔ])", "cʰ%1")
		c1 = gsub(c1, "cʰ([^kŋnmlʋʔ])", "c%1")
	return c1, fittest

local function rime(v1, c2, fittest, red, mode)
	if red == apos then v1 = red end
	if vowels[v1 .. c2] then return vowels[v1 .. c2][mode][fittest] end
	c2 = consonants[c2][mode][2] or c2
	if ((v1 == "័" or v1 == "ា់") and (find(c2, "[kŋ]") or c2 == "ng")) or
		(v1 == "េ" and (find(c2, "[cɲ]") or c2 == "ñ")) or
		(v1 == "់" and find(c2, "[mp]")) or
		((v1 == "ិ" or v1 == "ុ") and c2 ~= "") then
		v1 = v1 .. "2"
	v1 = vowels[v1] and vowels[v1][mode][fittest] or v1
	if (glottify[v1] and mode == "ipa") and c2 == "k" then c2 = "ʡ" end --proxy
	return v1 .. c2

function export.convert(text, mode, source)
	block = find(text, "%-")
	text = sylRedist(export.syllabify(text), block)
	if not text then return nil end
	for syllable in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, kmString) do
		local unchanged, sylStruc = syllable, {}
		local c1, v1, c2, bantak, red = export.syl_analysis(syllable)
		if not c1 then return nil end
		c1, fittest = initClus(c1, mode)
		if source == "temp" and (err[v1..c2] or err[v1]) then
			require("Module:debug").track("km-pron/error-prone finals")
		v1c2 = rime(v1 .. bantak, c2, fittest, red, mode)
		if not v1c2 then return nil end
		text = gsub(text, unchanged, c1 .. v1c2, 1)
	text = gsub(text, "%%", "")
	text = gsub(text, "%-", ".")
	text = gsub(text, "ʔ([ptkhlɲŋmnjw])", "%1")
	text = gsub(text, "ŭə%.", "ɔ.")
	text = gsub(text, "([eiou])[ʔʾ]%.", "%1.")
	text = gsub(text, "ʡ%.s", "k.s")
	text = gsub(text, "ʡ", "ʔ")
	if mode == "tc" then text = gsub(text, "%.", "")
		local readings = {}
		for reading in mw.text.gsplit(text, ", ") do
			table.insert(readings, (gsub(reading, "^([^%.]+)%.([^%.]+)$", "%1.ˈ%2")))
		text = table.concat(readings, ", ")
		text = gsub(text, "^([^%. ]+) ([^%. ]+)$", "%1 ˈ%2")
	return text

function export.make(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = { list = true },
		["a"] = {},
		["audio"] = { alias_of = "a" },
		["word"] = { default = pagename },
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local output_text, respellings, transcriptions, ipas = {}, {}, {}, {}
	if #args[1] == 0  then args[1] = { args.word } end
	for _, param in ipairs(args[1]) do
		table.insert(respellings, export.syllabify(param))
		table.insert(transcriptions, export.convert(param, "tc", "temp"))
		table.insert(ipas, export.convert(param, "ipa"))
	separate = (gsub(table.concat(respellings), "[%- ]", "")) ~= args.word
	respelling = table.concat(respellings, " / ")
	local function row(a, b, class, lang, size)
		return "\n<tr>" .. 
		tostring( mw.html.create( "td" )
			:css( "padding-right", "0.8em" )
			:css( "padding-left", "0.7em" )
			:css( "font-size", "10.5pt" )
			:css( "font-family", "DejaVu Sans, sans-serif" )
			:css( "color", "#555" )
			:css( "font-weight", "bold" )
			:css( "background-color", "#F8F9F8" )
			:wikitext(a)) .. "\n" ..
		tostring( mw.html.create( "td" )
			:css( "padding-left", "0.8em" )
			:css( "padding-right", "0.8em" )
			:css( "padding-top", ".4em" )
			:css( "padding-bottom", ".4em" )
			:wikitext(b)) ..
	local function textFormat(text, class, size, lang)
		return tostring( mw.html.create( "span" )
			:attr( "class", class or "Khmr" )
			:css( "font-size", size or (class == "IPA" and "95%" or "130%") )
			:attr( "lang", lang or (class == "IPA" and nil or "km") )
	[=[{| style="margin: 0 .4em .4em .4em"
	<table cellpadding=1 style="border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; text-align: center; line-height: 25pt; padding: .1em .3em .1em .3em">]=] ..

			and "''[[w:Khmer alphabet|Orthographic]]''"
			or "''[[w:Khmer alphabet|Orthographic and Phonemic]]''", 
		textFormat(args.word) .. "<br>" .. textFormat(gsub(gsub(args.word, ".", tl), "ʰ̥", "̥ʰ"), "IPA")
	) ..
		and row("''[[w:Khmer alphabet|Phonemic]]''", 
			textFormat(respelling) .. "<br>" ..
			textFormat(gsub(gsub(respelling, ".", tl), "ʰ̥", "̥ʰ"), "IPA"))
		or "") ..
	row("''[[Wiktionary:Khmer romanization|WT romanisation]]''",
		textFormat(table.concat(transcriptions, ", "), "IPA", "100%")
	) ..
		"(''[[w:Khmer language|standard]]'') [[Wiktionary:International Phonetic Alphabet|IPA]]" .. 
		"<sup>([[Wiktionary:Khmer romanization|key]])</sup>",
		textFormat("/" .. table.concat(ipas, "/ ~ /") .. "/", "IPA", "110%")
	) ..
		and row("Audio", mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ 
			title = "Template:audio", 
			args = { args.a == "y" and "Km-" .. args.word .. ".ogg" or args.a, lang = "km" }} )
		or ""
	) ..

	"</table>\n|}" .. "[[Category:Khmer terms with IPA pronunciation]]")
	return table.concat(output_text)

return export