- De neikommende dokumintaasje stiet op Module:fy-headword/dokumintaasje. [bewurkje]
Wurdt noch oanpast.
local export = {}
local pos_functions = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fy")
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
-- The part of speech. This is also the name of the category that
-- entries go in. However, the two are separate (the "cat" parameter)
-- because you sometimes want something to behave as an adjective without
-- putting it in the adjectives category.
local poscode = frame.args[1] or error("Wurdsoarte is net opjûn. Jou a.j.w. parameter 1 by it oanroppen fan 'e module.")
local params = {
["head"] = {list = true, default = ""},
-- Parameters fan Berjocht:-fy- - PiefPafPier
["tref"] = {alias_of = "head"},
["leb"] = {list = true},
["-"] = {},
if pos_functions[poscode] then
for key, val in pairs(pos_functions[poscode].params) do
params[key] = val
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local lemmas = mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").lemmas
local nonlemmas = mw.loadData("Module:headword/data").nonlemmas
local poscat = lemmas[poscode] or nonlemmas[poscode] or error("De wurdsoartkoade \"" .. poscode .. "\" is net jildich.")
local data = {lang = lang, pos_category = poscat, categories = {}, heads = args["head"], genders = {}, inflections = {}, tracking_categories = {}}
if pos_functions[poscode] then
pos_functions[poscode].func(args, data)
return require("Module:headword").full_headword(data) ..
require("Module:utilities").format_categories(data.tracking_categories, lang, nil)
-- Display additional inflection information for an adjective
pos_functions["adjek"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {list = "comp"},
[3] = {list = "sup"},
[4] = {},
func = function(args, data)
local mode = args[2][1]
if mode == "inv" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#net bûchber|net bûchber]]"})
table.insert(data.categories, "Net-bûchbere eigenskipswurden yn it Frysk")
args[2][1] = args[3][1]
args[3][1] = args[4]
elseif mode == "pred" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "allinne [[predikatyf]] brûkt"})
table.insert(data.categories, "Allinne-predikative eigenskipswurden yn it Frysk")
args[2][1] = args[3][1]
args[3][1] = args[4]
local comp_mode = args[2][1]
if comp_mode == "-" then
table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "gjin [[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#graadbûging|graadbûging]]"})
-- Gather parameters
local comparatives = args[2]
comparatives.label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#meartrime|meartrime]]"
local superlatives = args[3]
superlatives.label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#measttrime|measttrime]]"
-- Generate forms if none were given
if #comparatives == 0 then
if mode == "inv" or mode == "pred" then
table.insert(comparatives, "peri")
table.insert(comparatives, require("Module:fy-adjectives").make_comparative(PAGENAME))
if #superlatives == 0 then
if mode == "inv" or mode == "pred" then
table.insert(superlatives, "peri")
-- Add preferred periphrastic superlative, if necessary
-- PAGENAME:find("[iï]de$") or PAGENAME:find("[^eio]e$") or
-- PAGENAME:find("s$") or PAGENAME:find("sch$") or PAGENAME:find("x$") or
-- PAGENAME:find("sd$") or PAGENAME:find("st$") or PAGENAME:find("sk$") then
-- ? - PiefPafPier
PAGENAME:find("[iï]de$") or PAGENAME:find("[^eio]e$") or PAGENAME:find("s[dtk]?$") then
table.insert(superlatives, "peri")
table.insert(superlatives, require("Module:fy-adjectives").make_superlative(PAGENAME))
-- Replace "peri" with phrase
for key, val in ipairs(comparatives) do
if val == "peri" then comparatives[key] = "[[mear]] " .. PAGENAME end
for key, val in ipairs(superlatives) do
if val == "peri" then superlatives[key] = "[[meast]] " .. PAGENAME end
table.insert(data.inflections, comparatives)
table.insert(data.inflections, superlatives)
pos_functions["adjec"] = pos_functions["adjek"]
-- -- Display additional inflection information for an adverb
-- pos_functions["adverb"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {},
-- [3] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- local comp = args[2]
-- local sup = args[3]
-- if comp then
-- if not sup then
-- sup = PAGENAME .. "st"
-- end
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#meartrime|meartrime]]", comp})
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#measttrime|measttrime]]", sup})
-- end
-- end
-- }
-- -- Display information for a noun's gender
-- -- This is separate so that it can also be used for proper nouns
-- function noun_gender(args, data)
-- for _, g in ipairs(args[2]) do
-- if g == "c" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei mienskiplik geslacht yn it Frysk")
-- elseif g == "p" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Pluralia tantum yn it Frysk")
-- elseif g ~= "m" and g ~= "f" and g ~= "n" then
-- g = nil
-- end
-- table.insert(data.genders, g)
-- end
-- if #data.genders == 0 then
-- table.insert(data.genders, "?")
-- end
-- -- Most nouns that are listed as f+m should really have only f
-- if data.genders[1] == "f" and data.genders[2] == "m" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei f+m geslacht yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- end
-- pos_functions["namme"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {list = "g"},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- noun_gender(args, data)
-- -- Rubryk derby - PiefPafPier
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- }
-- pos_functions["nomen"] = pos_functions["namme"]
-- -- Display additional inflection information for a noun
-- pos_functions["subst"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {list = "g"},
-- [3] = {list = "pl"},
-- [4] = {list = "dim"},
-- ["f"] = {list = true},
-- ["m"] = {list = true},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- noun_gender(args, data)
-- local plurals = args[3]
-- local diminutives = args[4]
-- local feminines = args["f"]
-- local masculines = args["m"]
-- -- Plural
-- if data.genders[1] == "p" then
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#allinne meartal|allinne meartal]]"})
-- elseif plurals[1] == "-" then
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#net telber|net telber]]"})
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Net-telbere haadwurden yn it Frysk")
-- else
-- local generated = generate_plurals(PAGENAME)
-- -- Process the plural forms
-- for i, p in ipairs(plurals) do
-- -- Is this a shortcut form?
-- if p:sub(1,1) == "-" then
-- if not generated[p] then
-- error("It bekoarte meartal " .. p .. " koe net oanmakke wurde.")
-- end
-- if p:sub(-2) == "es" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei meartal op -es yn it Frysk")
-- elseif p:sub(-1) == "s" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei meartal op -s yn it Frysk")
-- elseif p:sub(-4) == "eren" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei meartal op -eren yn it Frysk")
-- else
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei meartal op -en yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- if p:sub(2,2) == ":" then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei rutsen fokaal yn it meartal yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- p = generated[p]
-- -- Not a shortcut form, but the plural form specified directly.
-- else
-- local matches = {}
-- for pi, g in pairs(generated) do
-- if g == p then
-- table.insert(matches, pi)
-- end
-- end
-- if #matches > 0 then
-- table.insert(data.tracking_categories, "meartal fy-headword gelyk oan generearre foarm")
-- elseif not PAGENAME:find("[ -]") then
-- if p == PAGENAME then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Net-bûchbere haadwurden yn it Frysk")
-- elseif
-- p == PAGENAME .. "den" or p == PAGENAME:gsub("ee$", "eden") or
-- p == PAGENAME .. "des" or p == PAGENAME:gsub("ee$", "edes") then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei meartal op -den yn it Frysk")
-- elseif p == PAGENAME:gsub("([ao])$", "%1%1ien") or p == PAGENAME:gsub("oe$", "oeien") then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei twalûd yn it meartal yn it Frysk")
-- elseif p == PAGENAME:gsub("y$", "ies") then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei Ingelske meartallen yn it Frysk")
-- elseif
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("a$", "ae") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("[ei]x$", "ices") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("is$", "es") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("men$", "mina") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("ns$", "ntia") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("o$", "ones") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("o$", "onen") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("s$", "tes") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("us$", "era") or
-- p == mw.ustring.gsub(PAGENAME, "[uü]s$", "i") or
-- p == mw.ustring.gsub(PAGENAME, "[uü]m$", "a") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("x$", "ges") then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei Latynske meartallen yn it Frysk")
-- elseif
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("os$", "oi") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("on$", "a") or
-- p == PAGENAME:gsub("a$", "ata") then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei Grykske meartallen yn it Frysk")
-- else
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Unregelmjittige haadwurden yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- if plural and not then
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurden mei ûntbrekkende meartallen yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- plurals[i] = p
-- end
-- -- Add the plural forms
-- plurals.label = "meartal"
-- -- N.f.t. (sjoch - PiefPafPier
-- -- plurals.accel = {form = "p"}
-- plurals.request = true
-- table.insert(data.inflections, plurals)
-- end
-- -- Add the diminutive forms
-- if diminutives[1] == "-" then
-- -- do nothing
-- else
-- -- Process the diminutive forms
-- for i, p in ipairs(diminutives) do
-- diminutives[i] = {term = p, genders = {"n"}}
-- end
-- diminutives.label = "[[Wikiwurdboek:Glossarium#ferlytsingswurd|ferlytsingswurd]]"
-- -- Ek n.f.t. - PiefPafPier
-- -- diminutives.accel = {form = "diminutive"}
-- diminutives.request = true
-- table.insert(data.inflections, diminutives)
-- end
-- -- Add the feminine forms
-- if #feminines > 0 then
-- feminines.label = "froulik"
-- table.insert(data.inflections, feminines)
-- end
-- -- Add the masculine forms
-- if #masculines > 0 then
-- masculines.label = "manlik"
-- table.insert(data.inflections, masculines)
-- end
-- end
-- }
-- -- Display additional inflection information for a diminutive noun
-- pos_functions["substdim"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {},
-- [3] = {list = "pl"},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- if not (args[2] == "n" or args[2] == "p") then
-- args[2] = {"n"}
-- else
-- args[2] = {args[2]}
-- end
-- if #args[3] == 0 then
-- args[3] = {"-s"}
-- end
-- args[4] = {"-"}
-- args["f"] = {}
-- args["m"] = {}
-- -- Rubryk derby - PiefPafPier
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Haadwurdfoarmen yn it Frysk")
-- pos_functions["subst"].func(args, data)
-- end
-- }
-- function generate_plurals(PAGENAME)
-- local m_common = require("Module:fy-common")
-- local generated = {}
-- generated["-s"] = PAGENAME .. "s"
-- generated["-'s"] = PAGENAME .. "'s"
-- local stem_FF = m_common.add_e(PAGENAME, false, false)
-- local stem_TF = m_common.add_e(PAGENAME, true, false)
-- local stem_FT = m_common.add_e(PAGENAME, false, true)
-- generated["-es"] = stem_FF .. "s"
-- generated["-@es"] = stem_TF .. "s"
-- generated["-:es"] = stem_FT .. "s"
-- generated["-en"] = stem_FF .. "n"
-- generated["-@en"] = stem_TF .. "n"
-- generated["-:en"] = stem_FT .. "n"
-- generated["-eren"] = m_common.add_e(PAGENAME .. (PAGENAME:find("n$") and "d" or ""), false, false) .. "ren"
-- generated["-:eren"] = stem_FT .. "ren"
-- if PAGENAME:find("f$") then
-- local stem = PAGENAME:gsub("f$", "v")
-- local stem_FF = m_common.add_e(stem, false, false)
-- local stem_TF = m_common.add_e(stem, true, false)
-- local stem_FT = m_common.add_e(stem, false, true)
-- generated["-ves"] = stem_FF .. "s"
-- generated["-@ves"] = stem_TF .. "s"
-- generated["-:ves"] = stem_FT .. "s"
-- generated["-ven"] = stem_FF .. "n"
-- generated["-@ven"] = stem_TF .. "n"
-- generated["-:ven"] = stem_FT .. "n"
-- generated["-veren"] = stem_FF .. "ren"
-- generated["-:veren"] = stem_FT .. "ren"
-- elseif PAGENAME:find("s$") then
-- local stem = PAGENAME:gsub("s$", "z")
-- local stem_FF = m_common.add_e(stem, false, false)
-- local stem_TF = m_common.add_e(stem, true, false)
-- local stem_FT = m_common.add_e(stem, false, true)
-- generated["-zes"] = stem_FF .. "s"
-- generated["-@zes"] = stem_TF .. "s"
-- generated["-:zes"] = stem_FT .. "s"
-- generated["-zen"] = stem_FF .. "n"
-- generated["-@zen"] = stem_TF .. "n"
-- generated["-:zen"] = stem_FT .. "n"
-- generated["-zeren"] = stem_FF .. "ren"
-- generated["-:zeren"] = stem_FT .. "ren"
-- elseif PAGENAME:find("heid$") then
-- generated["-heden"] = PAGENAME:gsub("heid$", "heden")
-- end
-- return generated
-- end
-- pos_functions["mulwd"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- -- Rubryk derby - PiefPafPier
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Tiidwurdfoarmen yn it Frysk")
-- if args[2] == "-" then
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "net eigenskiplik brûkt"})
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Net-eigenskiplik brûkte mulwurden yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- end
-- }
-- pos_functions["partp"] = pos_functions["mulwd"]
-- pos_functions["verbum"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- [2] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- if args[2] == "-" then
-- table.insert(data.inflections, {label = "gjin bûging"})
-- table.insert(data.categories, "Tiidwurden sûnder bûging yn it Frysk")
-- end
-- end
-- }
return export