- De neikommende dokumintaasje stiet op Module:fy-adjectives/dokumintaasje. [bewurkje]
Wurdt noch oanpast.
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("fy")
local export = {}
-- Functions that do the actual inflecting by creating the forms of a basic term.
local inflections = {}
local irregular = {}
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
local infl_type = frame.args[1] or "adjective"
if not inflections[infl_type] then
error("Unbekend type bûging '" .. infl_type .. "'")
local data = {forms = {}, categories = {}, comparable = true}
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, inflections[infl_type].params)
-- Generate the forms
inflections[infl_type].func(args, data)
return make_table(data)
inflections["adjective"] = {
params = {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
[3] = {},
["pred"] = {},
["part"] = {},
func = function(args, data)
-- Get parameters
local pred = args["pred"]
local infl = args[1]
local part = args["part"]
local comd = args[2]
local supd = args[3]
if comd == "-" then
data.comparable = false
local base = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Berjocht" and "-" or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
-- Positive degree
if pred == "-" then
pred = nil
pred = pred or base
infl = infl or export.make_inflected(base)
if part == "-" then
part = nil
part = part or export.make_partitive(base)
data.forms["pred"] = {pred}
data.forms["indef|c|s"] = {infl}
data.forms["indef|n|s"] = {base}
data.forms["indef|p"] = {infl}
data.forms["def"] = {infl}
data.forms["par"] = {part}
-- Participles never have comparative and superlative forms.
-- If they do, then they're probably really adjectives.
if data.comparable then
-- Comparative degree
comd = comd or export.make_comparative(base, infl)
local infl_comd = export.make_inflected(comd); if base:find("[^eio]en$") or base:find("[aeou]ien$") then infl_comd = comd end
local part_comd = export.make_partitive(comd)
data.forms["pred|comd"] = {comd}
data.forms["indef|c|s|comd"] = {infl_comd}
data.forms["indef|n|s|comd"] = {comd}
data.forms["indef|p|comd"] = {infl_comd}
data.forms["def|comd"] = {infl_comd}
data.forms["par|comd"] = {part_comd}
-- Superlative degree
supd = supd or export.make_superlative(base, part)
local infl_supd = export.make_inflected(supd)
data.forms["pred|supd"] = {"it [[" .. supd .. "]]", "it [[" .. infl_supd .. "]]"}
data.forms["indef|c|s|supd"] = {infl_supd}
data.forms["indef|n|s|supd"] = {infl_supd}
data.forms["indef|p|supd"] = {infl_supd}
data.forms["def|supd"] = {infl_supd}
data.forms["par|supd"] = nil
-- inflections["pres-ptc"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- data.comparable = false
-- inflections["adjective"].func(args, data)
-- -- The predicative form of the present participle can have -e too,
-- -- in sentences like "Hij is stervende".
-- table.insert(data.forms["pred"], data.forms["indef|c|s"][1])
-- end
-- }
-- inflections["past-ptc"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- data.comparable = false
-- inflections["adjective"].func(args, data)
-- end
-- }
-- inflections["irregular"] = {
-- params = {
-- [1] = {},
-- },
-- func = function(args, data)
-- local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Berjocht" and "veel" or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text)
-- if irregular[base] then
-- irregular[base](data)
-- else
-- error("Unbekend ûnregelmjittich eigenskipswurd '" .. base .. "'.")
-- end
-- end
-- }
-- irregular["veel"] = function(data)
-- data.forms["pred"] = {"veel"}
-- data.forms["indef|c|s"] = {"veel"}
-- data.forms["indef|n|s"] = {"veel"}
-- data.forms["indef|p"] = {"veel"}
-- data.forms["def"] = {"vele"}
-- data.forms["par"] = nil
-- data.forms["pred|comd"] = {"meer"}
-- data.forms["indef|c|s|comd"] = {"meer"}
-- data.forms["indef|n|s|comd"] = {"meer"}
-- data.forms["indef|p|comd"] = {"meer"}
-- data.forms["def|comd"] = nil
-- data.forms["par|comd"] = nil
-- data.forms["pred|supd"] = {"het [[meest]]", "het [[meeste]]"}
-- data.forms["indef|c|s|supd"] = nil
-- data.forms["indef|n|s|supd"] = nil
-- data.forms["indef|p|supd"] = nil
-- data.forms["def|supd"] = {"meeste"}
-- data.forms["par|supd"] = nil
-- end
-- irregular["weinig"] = function(data)
-- data.forms["pred"] = {"weinig"}
-- data.forms["mfsg"] = {"weinig"}
-- data.forms["nsg"] = {"weinig"}
-- data.forms["pl"] = {"weinig"}
-- data.forms["def"] = {"weinige"}
-- data.forms["part"] = nil
-- data.forms["pred|comd"] = {"minder"}
-- data.forms["indef|c|s|comd"] = {"minder"}
-- data.forms["indef|n|s|comd"] = {"minder"}
-- data.forms["indef|p|comd"] = {"minder"}
-- data.forms["def|comd"] = nil
-- data.forms["par|comd"] = nil
-- data.forms["pred|supd"] = {"het [[minst]]", "het [[minste]]"}
-- data.forms["indef|c|s|supd"] = {"minste"}
-- data.forms["indef|n|s|supd"] = {"minste"}
-- data.forms["indef|p|supd"] = {"minste"}
-- data.forms["def|supd"] = {"minste"}
-- data.forms["par|supd"] = nil
-- end
-- Four functions to create various forms.
-- These are exported, because Module:fy-headword also uses them to create
-- comparative and superlative forms.
function export.make_inflected(base)
-- Adjectives ending in unstressed -en or -e get no extra -e.
if base:find("[^eio]en$") or base:find("[aeou]ien$") or base:find("[^eio]e$") then
return base
-- Adjectives ending in certain digraphs get a diaeresis
elseif base:find("[eio]e$") then
return base .. "ë"
return base .. "e"
function export.make_partitive(base)
-- Adjectives ending in a sibilant do not get an extra -s
if base:find("s$") or base:find("sch$") or base:find("x$") or base:find("sj$") or base:find("sh$") then
return base
-- Adjectives ending in a long vowel get an apostrophe before the -s
elseif base:find("[^aeiou][aiouy]$") then
return base .. "'s"
return base .. "s"
function export.make_comparative(base, inflected)
if not inflected then
inflected = export.make_inflected(base)
-- Adjectives ending in -r get an extra -d- in the comparative,
-- disregarding the inflected form
if base:find("r$") then
return base .. "der"
-- If the inflected form does not end in -e, add it
elseif not inflected:find("[eë]$") then
return inflected .. "er"
return inflected .. "r"
function export.make_superlative(base, partitive)
if not partitive then
partitive = export.make_partitive(base)
-- Adjectives in -ide have a superlative -iedst
if base:find("[iï]de$") then
return base:gsub("([iï])de$", "%1ed") .. "st"
elseif partitive then
return partitive .. "t"
return base .. "st"
-- Make the table
function make_table(data)
local function repl(param)
-- N.f.t. (sjoch - PiefPafPier
local accel = false
local no_store = false
if param == "lemma" then
return require("Module:links").full_link({lang = lang, alt = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text}, "term")
elseif param == "info" then
return data.title and " (" .. data.title .. ")" or ""
elseif string.sub(param, 1, 1) == "!" then
no_store = true
param = string.sub(param, 2)
elseif string.sub(param, 1, 1) == "#" then
accel = false
param = string.sub(param, 2)
local forms = data.forms[param]
if not forms then
return "—"
local ret = {}
for key, subform in ipairs(forms) do
table.insert(ret, require("Module:links").full_link({lang = lang, term = subform, accel = accel and {form = param, lemma = data.lemma, no_store = no_store} or nil}))
return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
local wikicode = [=[
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background-color: #d4d4ff /* fallback */; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #e0e0ff, #c7c7ff); text-align: center; float: right;"
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
| colspan="5" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted gray; text-align: left;" | Alle bûgings fan <b>{{{lemma}}}</b>{{{info}}}
|- style="background-color: #c7c7ff;"
! colspan="2" |
! style="min-width: 12em;" | [[grûntrime]]]=] .. (data.comparable and [=[
! style="min-width: 12em;" | [[meartrime]]
! style="min-width: 12em;" | [[measttrime]]]=] or "") .. [=[
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" colspan="2" | [[predikatyf]]/[[bywurdlik]]
| {{{pred}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || {{{pred|comd}}} || {{{pred|supd}}}" or "") .. [=[
|- height: 0.5em"
| colspan="3" |]=] .. (data.comparable and " || colspan=\"2\" |" or "") .. [=[
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" rowspan="3" | [[ûnbeskaat]]
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" | [[mienslachtich|g.]] [[inkeldtal|ink.]]
| {{{indef|c|s}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || {{{indef|c|s|comd}}} || {{{indef|c|s|supd}}}" or "") .. [=[
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" | [[ûnsidich|û.]] [[inkeldtal|ink.]]
| {{{indef|n|s}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || {{{indef|n|s|comd}}} || {{{indef|n|s|supd}}}" or "") .. [=[
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" | [[meartal]]
| {{{indef|p}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || {{{indef|p|comd}}} || {{{indef|p|supd}}}" or "") .. [=[
|- style="background-color: #e0e0ff;"
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" colspan="2" | [[beskaat]]
| {{{def}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || {{{def|comd}}} || {{{def|supd}}}" or "") .. [=[
|- height: 0.5em"
| colspan="3" |]=] .. (data.comparable and " || colspan=\"2\" |" or "") .. [=[
! style="background-color: #c7c7ff;" colspan="2" | [[partityf]]
| style="background-color: #e0e0ff;" | {{{par}}}]=] .. (data.comparable and " || style=\"background-color: #e0e0ff;\" | {{{par|comd}}} ||" or "") .. [=[
|}<div style="float: left;">
* Net bûgd: {{{!indef|n|s}}}.
* Bûgd: {{{!indef|c|s}}}.</div><div style="clear: both;"></div>]=]
return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{([#!]?[a-z0-9|]+)}}}", repl) .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(data.categories, lang)
return export