Meidogger oerlis:Snakesteuben/Sandbox
- it Westerlauwersk Frysk is in Noardwestgermaanske taal en is de offisjele taal (njonken it Nederlânsk) yn 'eprovinsje Fryslân.
Sealterfrysk (Oare Fryske taal)
bewurkjeWhat I wish I could post without revealing my email address:
They'd also be very useful on wiktionary for inflections and verb conjugations. For example, in West Frisian, if a type one regular verb stem ends in f, t, ch, k, p, s or k, then the past tense is formed by with a t. Otherwise one adds a d to the stem. Right now, my guru tells me, users will have to make template calls like: Berjocht:fy-conj e.g., Berjocht:fy-conj. If I had these rudimentary string functions, I could do everything with just the pagename/infinitive (fiele).